It certainly isn’t a secret that college can be extremely expensive. There are some colleges out there that cost $50,000 a year and over, which is more than what many individuals make in a year. As a result, it can be very tough for students to figure out how to make money in college, especially when there are so many obligations concerning school and social life. However, believe it or not – there are ways for college students to stack some cash instead of spending it.
Of course, it should be noted that not all of these methods will work for everyone. Some ideas might fit for some personalities and yet, make no sense for others. Either way, there’s nothing wrong with giving some thought to these strategies. Your wallet may end up thanking you for it!
Giving Campus Tours
If you are the type of student that loves your school and its history, this might be the perfect option for you. One great aspect of giving campus tours is that you can meet new prospective students, which can be great for expanding your real-world social network. You also get to put your speaking skills to the test, as you have to make sure that you can keep a crowd engaged. The opportunity to develop and hone your public speaking skills is ideal if you are the type of student that plans on being in a leadership position one day – this would be some great practice!
When you arrive at college, you might find that you have much more of a comprehensive understanding than others when it comes to certain subjects. Why not put this knowledge to use and make some money out of it? There is the obvious choice of becoming a teacher’s assistant (TA), but you can also become a freelance tutor, as well.
You might be helping foreign students learn English, which can be a great way for them to learn more about the culture of your country and feel more at home. You may even make friends while tutoring. And these foreign students don’t even need to be in your local area. It’s quite common for English tutors to run Skype classes with their students from anywhere in the world.
Mentoring can bring its own unique brand of satisfaction. Mentors can often provide much-needed encouragement for those who need it the most, and can also help students understand their strengths and weaknesses better. If you’re into a certain subject, have patience, and have a real passion for sharing your knowledge, or at the very least, don’t mind teaching others – tutoring can be quite the cash cow for a college student.
Manual Work
You’re a college student, so why not make the best of the fact that you are arguably in prime physical condition? It’s no secret that manual work is a great way to earn some extra income. You might decide to mow lawns, move furniture, or shovel driveways in neighborhoods around your college. This can also be a great way to network if you plan on sticking around in the city, or are willing to find new prospects. After all, there is a considerable chance that your next job comes from a friend or acquaintance, so you would be wise to pursue as many networking opportunities as you see fit.
Become A Blogger
If you are charismatic and have a unique opinion or perspective, becoming a blogger can be a great way to earn some extra income. Of course, you should become involved in a niche that you are already interested in. For example, if you are interested in movies or music, have you considered writing about it? You might be able to write reviews for websites that are willing to pay you if they feel like the material is high-quality.
These days, blogging isn’t simply about writing, either. You can become a Youtube blogger, which can be extremely lucrative in some cases. There are plenty of individuals who have managed to garner a following to a point where they actually make millions thanks to Youtube. While this is not achievable for everyone, the proof is out there. In fact, a 7 year-old recently made international headlines for earning millions of dollars thanks to his channel, where he plays with toys. You don’t have to choose Youtube as a platform, either – there are plenty of influencers that are able to make a significant amount of money on Twitch and Instagram as well.
There is no guarantee that you will be able to establish a fanbase, but you might end up networking as a result of your blogging, which can lead to new and unexpected income streams. If you create Youtube videos, you might end up becoming more comfortable in front of the camera, which can lead to experience that can be utilized for your next video interview, as well. You can practice your speaking skills, brush up on modern technology, and also earn some income. If you are a college student who is interested in making more money, blogging or “vlogging” might be the perfect way to go about doing it.
If you own a reliable car, then you can quickly and easily set yourself up with Uber and other similar services. As an independent contractor, you can choose what hours you want to work, decide anytime when you want to clock-off, and for as long as you’re ready and willing, you have access to a steady stream of customers. And when you’re not in class, you can use those spare hours to make more money.
You can also provide courier services and spend your workdays driving around the city, delivering packages. Furthermore, there is a need for senior assistance, and you can help by driving them to appointments, doing their grocery shopping, and other quick errands.
There we have it. Six money-making methods for any College student to immediately start generating income, and while you’re at it, improve your people skills, handle more responsibility, and grow your network.
Raj Kumar is a qualified business/finance writer expert in investment, debt, credit cards, Passive income, financial updates. He advises in his blog finance clap.