Want to keep a check on your Axis credit card transactions to budget your monthly spending? Then you must check your Axis credit card statement, regularly. Through this article, we’ll walk you through the ways of getting and understanding your Axis Bank My Zone Credit Card statement.
What is a credit card statement?
A credit card statement is a detailed representation of your expenses that is generated on a regular basis. It includes the expenses on your card, details of the payments you have made, and the balance amount you need to maintain to keep the card functional.
How and when do I get an Axis bank credit card statement?
You can get your Axis bank credit card statement on a monthly or daily basis, as per your choice. There are quite a few ways to get your hands on your Axis credit card statement. You can get it online via net banking facility or can place an offline request for the same via SMS facility, calling Axis Bank’s customer care or visiting an Axis Bank’s branch.
How to request for Axis credit card statement online?
- Go to Axis Bank’s Credit Card Statement Request page
- Enter your credit card details: Your name, credit card number, date of birth, and credit card validity
- You will be able to view your credit card statement once these details are submitted
How to register for credit card E-Statement
You can register for Axis credit card e-statement through five modes to get it on a daily basis or every month.
- Internet Banking
- Axis Bank Website
- Call the Axis Bank’s Customer Care
- Send an SMS
- Visit the Nearest Axis Bank’s Branch
Internet Banking
- Log in to your internet banking account
- Click on My Profile > Contact Details Update
- Update your email ID to successfully register for a credit card e-statement
Axis Bank Website
- Go to Axis Bank’s E-Statement Registration page
- Enter your details including customer ID, account number, and your date of birth to register for a credit card e-statement successfully
Customer Care Call
You can call Axis Bank’s customer care on 1860-419-5555 and 1860-500-555 to request an Axis bank credit card bill statement.
You can send an SMS in the format ‘GREEN’ to 5676782 to get registered for Axis credit card e-statements.
Axis Bank Branch
Visit the nearest Axis Bank’s branch to register for credit card e-statements.
Terminologies Used in Axis Bank Credit Card Statement
Payment Due Date
The term payment due date means, it is the date before which one has to make the payment to the bank. Failing so will attract penalty charges and would also impact your credit score.
Minimum Amount Due
The term minimum amount due means, it’s the minimum value of the amount that needs to be paid before the payment due date.
Total Amount Due Total
It is the total value of due amount that you owe to the bank.
Transaction Summary
Transaction Summary gives you a summary of your spending over a given period.
Credit Limit
Credit Limit is the amount offered to you by your credit card issuer.
Available Credit Limit
It is the total balance amount remaining on your credit card in the given billing cycle. Or in simple language, it is the amount that you can spend in the current billing cycle.
Available Cash Limit
The available cash limit is the amount of cash that you can withdraw from an ATM in the current statement cycle via your credit card.
We hope the blog post has been a detailed educational journey. Henceforth you now should be able to not only decode the terms but also be able to highlight any error in your Axis bank credit card statement to your bank.
In case you still have some questions about your Axis bank credit card statement, then you can call up Axis Bank’s customer care number and seek assistance. Axis Bank’s customer care agent will guide you through the best possible way to resolve your queries. You can also apply for a range of Axis Bank Credit Cards at Finserv MARKETS and enjoy the benefits of one of the best credit cards in the country.
Raj Kumar is a qualified business/finance writer expert in investment, debt, credit cards, Passive income, financial updates. He advises in his blog finance clap.