How to Provide Brilliant Customer Service Without Lifting a Finger?

Customer service is one of the key aspects that can affect sales revenues for every size of businesses, especially for startups when every customer counts. Every business strive to keep the customers by ensuring up sales hence sales growth. It is well known in the business space that customer is always right! There are no other options than to satisfy customer needs. But how to do it without suffering great losses from your side? The solution exists: to organize your business processes in such a way that will allow you to provide brilliant customer service. But how to do it effortlessly, not without lifting a finger? Here are 8 solutions to improve customer service based on expertise of, an outsourcing company offering solutions to large, midsize and small companies.

Know your customer very well


The more you know about customer, the better you can satisfy their needs. If you want to start from scratch your long-term successful relationships with customer, you need to know as much details about customers as possible. Great communication starts with being aware of what exactly your customers want and need. Make sure your staff spends enough time to learn all the reclamation cases from the past to raise awareness of the most common issues and ways of resolving them. Incorporate a policy that allows team members to analyze all the feedback that come from the customers to instantly improve interactions and communication with a client.

Maintain positive and friendly attitude

Be a friend to your customer and be ready to explain everything in a positive way. Behave with customer as you are the the person, who is happy to help, provide the advice and be ready to the answers all the questions. Positive attitude and friendly manner of speaking will guarantee positive feedback and more future contacts and conversations. Try to treat your client as you do it with an old friend.

Be faster before the customer could say Jack Robinson

Be proactive in your interaction with customers. Customers do not want to spend extra time to wait for the service, especially when their expectations is to receive timely service. Do your best to answer all chats, emails and calls quickly. Call back in 1 minute, answer the question in chat after 15-20 seconds. If you do not know, what to answer or request is too complicated, take your time and ask customer to hold on, but always extend appreciation.

Invest into improvements of your customer service

Always improve your service by implementing new technologies, improving processes or training your staff. Hire only the best employees and learn from the best industry practices. Your team must be the team of experts, who will do their best to make your client satisfied with your products and services. Train your staff, provide them with best courses and make the needed information accessible to them.

Fix your mistakes as soon as possible

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, but always try to fix them asap. Everything should be mended shortly. It saves your time and patience of your client. If you have an issue, try to investigate it and develop the policies your employee will follow the next time they experience the same problem. Not taking responsibility of your mistakes is a right way to gain not only bad reputation but also not take the opportunity to improve your business.

Do your best to make your team know your product

Knowing your products from front-to-back is crucially important. Without being aware of all the details you won’t be able to help your customer quickly. Your customer service team should be the first, who test and try product or services the company offer. Try to help the team members to learn your product fast by making the list of FAQ or writing instructions they can follow to learn as much information as possible.

Provide personalized communication

Try to avoid bots in your business. Customers can always guess if they are speaking with real person and they are expecting one-to-one interactions. That is why providing real speaking is better and more efficient. Personalisation is also about delivering the appropriate offer to the proper customer. That can lead to stronger and more profitable relationships with customers. Real communication will help you to gain more information about your potential customer. Even the fact that you can read customer messages or hear his voice will help you to use basic knowledge of psychology to influence the situation in a right way.

Practice makes perfection. The more you improve customer service, the faster you will learn and adjust to a customer’s changing needs. Learn more about how to motivate your team to create personalised, integrated customer service that will help you increase customer loyalty and stand out in the crowd in an highly competitive market.

Author Bio :

This post is written by Olesia Novik, business analyst at

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