We all love using cards that carrying money. Imagine that you are a regular employee and you have to pay all your monthly bills at a time. It is impossible for you to pay all bills. Using Credit card you can pay all your bills without any time waste sitting in one place. Now-a-days many people are using Credit cards mostly for online purchases as they provide the easy way of online shopping. Different Cards will offer different offers depending on bank guidelines. For sudden and unexpected expenses, it is mandatory that we should have enough money all the time which is not possible for all the time. In such cases Credit card will come solve our issue in one attempt.
We can use Credit card for certain limit. Some Credit cards has amount limit, some will not have any limit. This completely depends on the type of Credit card we are using and our eligibility. Different Credit cards will offer different amount limits and purchase limits.
- Standard Credit card is the most common credit card that everyone uses. It is most common for regular employee. Any account holder can use this Credit card. There is certain limit for purchases and we have no option to cross this limit. We can use this Credit card in all places and can pay due amount later before given limit of time.
- Premium Credit card which is higher than Standard Credit card and employees with salary more than one lakh can get this type of credit card easily. Premium Credit cards will offer many travel discounts, Credit points, cash back etc. Visa card, Platinum card and Gold card will fall into this category as it also offers discount. Limit of this Credit card depends on the person’s salary and eligibility.
- Secured Credit card which has certain limit prescribed by bank itself. The limit will be very less which we cannot decide and fix. We should not cross this limit at any cost.
- Chargeable Credit card for which there is no cash limit. But the issue is we have to the pay the due in one month only. If we miss to pay than we will be charged with late fee.
- Special Credit card: Only business people can use this type of card. Two are more persons can also use this. We has an option of partnership facility specially for this Credit Card and has limit depends on organization status.