New year is about to commence and saving maximum of your hard-earned money must be one of your new year’s resolutions, right? Are you planning to open a new savings account where you would be saving your hard-earned money, and will be earning interest on the same? If this is what you are planning to do, then let me tell you that you are on the right move. Before you open saving accounts, make sure you are opening it in the bank that offers maximum interest rate. This article about Best Savings Account Interest Rates is meant to aware you about the banks that offer good savings account interest rate. Just keep reading this post ahead.
Best Savings Account Interest Rates
GE Capital Bank
GE Capital Bank claims the first spot in this list. The bank is known to offer a good customer support, and good new schemes. Talking about the savings account, you can avail the APY by just maintaining $1. 1.05% is the APY you get.
Also Read: How to Open Free Business Checking Account Online?
Ally Bank
Next in the list is Ally bank. Just like the above one, minimum balance for APY for this bank is $1, but the APY you get in it is 0.99%. If you are looking for opening savings account with good interest rate and impressive other schemes, then this is likely the bank you will like.
Bank5 Connect
If you did not like any of above mentioned banks due to one reason or another, and can maintain a good minimum balance for APY, then this is the bank you would like to opt for. The minimum balance is $100 and the APY you get in this bank is 0.90 percent. Along with it, there are many impressive schemes that make it stand among the list of Best Savings Account Interest Rates.
TIAA Direct
Moving ahead, TIAA direct is the bank that comes in this list. You need to maintain minimum balance of $25 to avail the APY, which should not be any problem for most of you. It offers 0.80 percent APY which is quite good.
Sallie Mae Bank
Last in this list about Best Savings Account Interest Rates is the Sallie Mae Bank in which you can avail the APY by just maintaining $1 minimum balance. 0.80 percent is the APY you get in this bank.
So, what are you waiting for? Do take the step ahead and open your savings account right away.
Raj Kumar is a qualified business/finance writer expert in investment, debt, credit cards, Passive income, financial updates. He advises in his blog finance clap.